ColorFlex EZ offers the advantage of 45º/0º design ensuring that you not only get your colors right – but perfect every time. It measures your sample the way the human eye does. It lets you see your colors exactly the way your customers do, not just in the lab but in the real world.
ColorFlex EZ is also offered in custom models for these solution applications:
ColorFlex EZ Citrus is specifically designed to measure the color of fresh and concentrated orange, grapefruit, and lemon juice. Citrus color scales provided in firmware include: Citrus Number, Citrus Redness & Citrus Yellowness.
ColorFlex EZ Coffee is specifically built to meet and exceed your needs in measuring the color of roasted coffee grounds. It makes it easy to define the degree of roasting. Coffee color scales provided in firmware include: HunterLab Coffee Color Index (HCCI), SCAA Number & SCAA Roast Classification.
ColorFlex EZ Tomato is specifically designed to measure tomato color in its every processed form – paste/purée, sauce, catsup, juice, as well as fresh tomatoes. Tomato color scales provided in firmware include: Tomato Paste Score (TPS), Tomato Sauce, Score (TSS), Tomato Catsup Score (TCS), Tomato Juice Score (TJS), a/b ratio, Fresh Tomato Color Index (FTCI) & Lycopene index
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